716 Area Code Time Zone
716 Area Code Time Zone. Select a city, country or timezone. We have roughly 877,542 unique phone numbers and 1,505,093 individuals near the cities of buffalo, ny;
The eastern time zone is also known as america/new_york. The area code 716 has officially unassigned this number for the region and it remains unassigned. Location, time zone and map of the 616 area code.
Statistics Based On Us Census Data For Buffalo.
Get the current time zone (along with current time) for each area code. The 716 area code lies within the eastern daylight time zone (or edt). Area code 716 is a telephone area code in the north american numbering plan (nanp) for buffalo, niagara falls, and four surrounding counties in western new york.
Get The Most Exact Information On Time Zones Here.
We have roughly 877,542 unique phone numbers and 1,505,093 individuals near the cities of buffalo, ny; Select a city, country or timezone. A data map of area codes in the state of new york.
Get The Most Exact Information On Time Zones Here.
Cheektowaga, ny and tonawanda, ny in the database. The current time in eastern daylight time is 6:29 am on aug 29, 2022. Major cities in area code 716.
The Area Code 716 Has Officially Unassigned This Number For The Region And It Remains Unassigned.
The eastern time zone is also known as america/new_york. What time zone is area code 716? Prefix city 1 city 2 city 3 city 4 city 5;
Find Out 716 Area Code Coverage, Npa Code 716 Location World Time Zone Map.
Free lookup area code 716 phone number, name, and location. Find out where 616 area code zone from, which states, counties and cities it covers. Area code 716 was one of the original north american area codes established in october 1947.
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